Monday, July 13, 2009

Hello Again

I have been slacking on blogging for here are some pictures from the past month or two, in no specific order, really. Next round of pictures will have a much more compelling story/explanation to them, I promise!


  1. Sweet holy poop! A post! K will be SO excited tomorrow when I show her. She's been checking your blog every day. Yes, she knows how. And, she's been very annoyed with you for not posting. :-)

    Oh yeah, and RANGE ROVERRRRRRR! I feel compelled to yell that whenever I see one. Thank you, and good night!

  2. Too bad we didn't get more pics from this last weekend; there could have been some good ones of the guys trying to stand on the surfboard in the Miller's pool-oh, and all sitting on it together too;)haha I will be sure to charge up a few batteries for this coming weekend...we will document our girl-surfing-adventures:)

  3. Your fan club thanks you! I fink I can't wait for another post!! XXOO

  4. Oh, by the way, that first picture of Bandit is so cute...what an expression...looks like how I feel today :-)

  5. Oh little Bandito! He can sure fly through the air! And, was that a little sun burn?
